Organic theory to be oil - ptrol

Organic theory to be oil

Front of :
   Was how the oil is still constitute a scientific dilemma, where scientists were divided between supporters ((theory inorganic)) that talk about mineral origin of Petroleum and supporters ((theory organic)) that restore oil to the origin of animal organic or vegetarian, which is considered one of the most hypotheses support among the scientific community.

- 1 and the presence of oil fields near the sea or in the sea.
- 2 optical properties of the oil has not only found in the origin of the organic material.
- 3 did not find the presence of oil in igneous rocks only casually.
70% - 4 of the oil fields are found in sedimentary rock layers of middle life forever and triangular era. The majority of the rest in the sedimentary rocks of the old life is forever
- 5 to find the oil fields in the Devonian strata (before Carboniferous) indicates that the plant does not have an important role in the oil formation.
- 6 and the presence of Alborvrin. (Properties of the material: (
(A) degrade in the presence of oxygen indicated, however, that oil is in a reductive environment.
(B) be Alborvrin of chlorophyll pigments similar or animal.

Petroleum origin of the word :
   Back to the Latin word Petroleum (BP _ Petra Oleum) which literally means rock oil, but the word of oil are Arab origin and is commonly used in European languages under the name Naphte or Naphta one of the derivatives of light oil.

   And oil is the generic name for a combination of a huge number of natural chemicals called hydrocarbons. This material these compounds are made of atoms of carbon and hydrogen atoms combine in different sized particles and the arrangement and proportion.

Organic theory of oil formation :
   The vast majority of scientists in this day of oil to re-form the plant and animal organic assets. It is known that this natural process began of phase Cambrian, since about 500 million years ago, as a result of various natural factors, accumulated residue objects Animal and Plant minute (Kalplancton) in the bottom of the seas and oceans and mixed with sediment and mud coming from the earth's crust and sand, and interacted during millions of years mutant very slowly to liquid hydrocarbons and gas. It is worth mentioning that this shift has occurred in isolation from the air and under the pressure of certain conditions and heat, and effect some fine particles such as bacteria anaerobic. Thus, these mud crept through organic metamorphic and sedimentary rock layers saturated them with oil formed.

   So you can organic matter decomposition and transformation into hydrocarbons must be presence in the isolated from oxygen layers, as it if exposed to the air for the oxidized Otthllt consumed impact aerobic bacteria, and can these circles isolated available in the pond bottom where water movement is limited, or the Lower Page sediments in contact with the water, and after all the sediment clastic soft like clay and Alsellt can form in a vacuum Msamadtha compromise isolated and closed separates the internal water from sea water or lakes that topped, as a result of aerobic bacteria consume oxygen remaining all well quickly, and to convert this center to center is oxidizer and isolated from the air.
Thus exposed to organic matter to Alahoaúah bacteria that begin to dismantle them and analyzed in order to obtain oxygen, especially from cellulose, starches, whereupon the production of carbon dioxide and some organic compounds, also produces quantities of methane gas known as organic methane or marsh gas, in addition These Bacteria sabotaging the physical structure of the organic matter and convert them to gel known as Sbrobbel (sludges).

   And stop the biochemical process with increasing sediment thickness above the organic material, and non-existent Tgaribaaly depth of one meter of mud deposited in the center isolated from the air. Then the organic material only chemical reactions are subject to constant transformation substance known as kerogen and take the transition process this long period of time, a stop at a depth of 300 to 1,000 meters.

   The kerogen material is chemically stable, non-soluble in acid and alkali, water and simple organic solvents, such as chloroform, benzene, and it is resistant to the bacteria, but it oxidizes the impact of certain chemicals or as a result of exposure to air for a long time. Accompanied kerogen small amounts of material soluble in organic Alvebat, known as (bitumen), which consists of Alasvlten (asphaltene) resin (resin) and heavy hydrocarbons. It consists Alosvlten resin of the same materials that make up the kerogen, but they Kablan of decomposition in organic solvents, because the molecules consisting of two smaller than those belonging to the kerogen.

   Exposed kerogen with increasing depth of Tamra (ranging between 50 and 170 ° C) and pressure (which ranges between 80 and 680 atm).

   The growing heat to give the ability of chemical reactions, when the heat up to the point of 50-75 Celsius kerogen molecules begin the crash to turn into hydrocarbons smaller and bitumen which molecules are affected by the increasing heat and pressure, in turn translate into simpler and smaller particles, and so forth until the lead to hydrocarbons consisting of Petroleum .

   As the temperature increases, the production of light hydrocarbons and gases increases until it reaches the stage during which dominates methane (which is the smallest and simplest hydrocarbons) on the other product, through a transitional phase from liquid to gaseous hydrocarbons, known as wet gas phase.

   By the end of the wet gas phase Alkerogbn ability to produce hydrocarbons become very limited and does not exceed the production of methane little, then up to smut stage, in which the remains of kerogen turns into charcoal, while oil output turns into methane and Beropithomin (pyrobitumen). And can not accurately determine the required depth of each stage, as this depends on the thermal gradient factor, which usually ranges between 1.5 and 5 ° C per 100 m, and the estimated value of the average of 2.5 ° C per 100 m.

   In this case, we can say that the oil and gas Atkonan at a depth of between 1,500 and 4,000 m, and smut phase begins after 4000 m. However, the relative These figures should be seen as an intermediate values ​​vary from one basin to another.

   And range necessary for the transformation of organic matter into oil from 5 to 100 million year time period, and can start after millions of years of organic material placed, where it is associated with movements on sedimentary basin.