Crude oil in his image (crude oil) is useful, to take advantage of it processed a series of operations, and called on the oil refining processes, which result in a range of useful products (Petroleum Products), and pass the oil refining process usually following phases:
* First, the initial treatment:
include getting rid of water and salts associated with the oil, which is an important step leading up to the distillation process to the fact that the presence of water and salts in the distillation tower cause serious problems, may result in the presence of water burst distillation tower tremendous pressure that results from Tboukralme, The salts causing erosion ( corrosion) iron material made from the tower.
* Second: the distillation process (Distillation):
It is important process and key, which is made in a huge towers, and the resulting oil is separated into its components and, in general, most petroleum derivatives resulting from the fractional distillation tower oil are as follows:
1. gas (petrol ether), a product consisting of a small number of organic compounds, most of which is a light hydrocarbons such as methane, ethane, ethylene, propane, butane and other Often the number of carbon atoms ranging in its constituent of 1-4 vehicles and condense at temperatures boiling point less than 25 degrees m and uses this derivative in cooking gas production (Albiotagaz) and the production of other gases such as acetylene gas used in welding operations, as this is a very important substance derived Petrochemical Industries feed.
2. Light liquids (light petrol), the most important producer of gasoline (gasoline) (motor fuel) and ranging number of carbon atoms in compounds 5-9 and condenses at temperatures of 35-150 is the fact that the product of the most important petroleum derivatives Due to extensive him in each of Use Countries of the world.
3. kerosene (kerosene) between the number of carbon atoms in this derived from 9-15 carbon atoms and condenses at 150-250 and is used as fuel for jet aircraft (jet engine fuel), as the type of lousy it is used as fuel in a cheap industrial Almncoat and homes.
4. diesel or diesel fuel (Diesel) means heavier than kerosene used as fuel in factories and huge engines and trucks.
5. Heavy fluids (lubrication oil) is composed of compounds condense when at temperatures higher than 300 degrees heat meters and are producing various including lubricating oils, is also considered an important source of petroleum industries where can convert part of it to light derivatives Kgazulan by known petroleum operations such as thermal cracking and catalytic cracker.
6. asphalt (asphalt), a residue accumulated in the bottom of the tower is composed of organic compounds (Hedrokronat, etc.) with high molecular weight and boiling points are too high and are used in the construction of concrete coating and painting ships in Tzfeyt roads and pavement.
* Third, improve the specification:
After obtaining these derivatives it is not marketed directly to it in fact is not valid for use until now, and in order to be valid for use to be making some improvements to be convenient to use required if taken, for example, gasoline directly from the distillation tower and put in the car, the engine will work accompanied by severe Boukbt and noise, even kerosene used directly as a fuel for the plane to the plane fell to contain kerosene is the processor on a waxy material freezes in pipes plane conductivity at low temperatures in the high atmosphere.
If you must do some operations that make derivative ready for use and this is what is known as the (improved specifications) .valjasulan output is a what is known as raising the octane Lucky Number (RON) to operate the engine in a calm and smooth as it was found that some components of the oil compounds burn caused manner knock the engine are removed and others burning quietly and monotonous (such as octane) is added more of them, as it was noted that if added some vehicles that are not in the oil originally the octane number rises considerably and gives (Petrol Excellent) such as tetraethyl lead was stopping to add this Composite gasoline because of the large environmental pollution caused by the representatives of the toxic lead oxides resulting from the combustion process.
The kerosene used in aircraft fuel are to him what is known as the process of removing the candles, a vehicle with long chains, which can easily be frozen inside the plane pipes which lead to its downfall is removed these compounds to reduce the freezing temperature of the fuel so that when you go up the plane to the upper layers of the atmosphere, the fuel freezing process irresistible because of the low temperature.
So for the rest of its derivatives are suitable for the process of improving the specifications for the use of which Sststkhaddm it.